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All About Flint Bowmen Inc

Flint Bowmen Inc. was formed in the late 1930’s by area archers and is one of the oldest archery clubs in Michigan. It’s beautiful 30 acres of wooded land is dedicated solely to the sport of archery. We have hunting-like shoots on four field tip and two broadhead courses with a spacious outdoor practice range for practice up to 90 meters. A large clubhouse sports a heated indoor target range with BLOCK targets accessible by members 24/7. Flint Bowmen is a family oriented club, featuring leagues and shoots for all ages and abilities. A playground for the kids along with a picnic area is also available for club members to use. Come out and enjoy archery with your family and friends.  We welcome compounds, traditional equipment, or cross bows.

Archers Shooting

Club Grounds/Courses

Flint Bowmen, Archery, Range, 3D, Lessons, League

Flint Bowmen Board 

President - Jeff DeWyse                                                            Email = 

Vice President -Dan Groth                                                       Email =

Treasurer - Paul Koczkodan                                                     Email =

Secretary - Cathy Akers-Jordan                                            Email =

Membership Coordinator - Megan DeWyse                      Email =
Assistant Membership Coordinator-Michaela Reason Email =
3-D Coordinator - Rocky Cummins                                      Email =
3-D Coordinator - Adam Millard                                            Email =
Kitchen Coordinator - Tim Kelly                                              Email =
Asst Kitchen Coordinator - Laurie LaLonde                        Email =
Work Day Coordinator - Sam White                                     Email = 
Rules Coordinator - Josh Borrow                                           Email =
Public Relations Coordinator - Julie Kaufman                  Email =
Target Coordinator - Steve Oakley                                       Email =
Editor - Mike Alexander                                                              Email =
Webmaster - Andrew (AJ) Deal                                              Email =

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